I own four pairs of shoes, but use only two of them..... Due to my disabilities my shoes have to be custom made. Top left is a pair of boots I wear in winter, when i drive my electrical scooter. I cannot walk on them but they are warm and water proof. Top right is a pair that was made for me last year, but they hurt my feet so i've stopped using them. Bottom left are the summer shoes i never wore. they forgot to put in an essential part so they are no good to me. Bottom right is the old and worn out pair i have been walking on for almost three years.... battered and threadbare but still my only means of moving about....
dinsdag 3 januari 2012
Wherever i put my feet.....
....on the red tiles of my living-room floor......
....splashing in the puddles or standing in the soggy mud....
....at my dinner table, or on a friend's carpet....
......on my electrical scooter, exploring nature or going shopping........